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Tanner's Cassia (Senna auriculata) - Health Benefits, Medicinal Properties, Uses, Dosage

tenner cassia natural herbs

Botanical Name: Senna auriculata

Indian Name: Tarwar

Description and Composition

Tenner's cassia is a well-known perennial shrub which grows upto 30 to 60 cms in height. It has a round, hard and strong stem, brown in colour, with numerous branches. It has compound, stipulate leaves, yellowish green in colour and large yellow flowers. There are 7 to 10 seeds in each of its fruits. The plant is called tenners cassia as the bark is one of the most valuable of Indian tans containing tannin.

Healing Power and Curative Properties

The bark of the plant is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The leaves are tonic. They relieve feverishness and produce a feeling of coolness. They also restore the disordered processes of nutrition. Its leaves and petals are both mildly astringent in taste. The leaves con tam a small quantity of mucilage, though they are completely non-poisonous, the taste and smell are unpalatable. An infusion of the leaves makes a cooling drink. Its seeds also have a cooling effect.


Tenner's cassia is useful in diabetes. A decoction of the whole plant or buds can be used to treat this disease. The powder of the herb, mixed with honey, is equally efficacious in such a case. Its seeds can be used in the similar manner as flowers.


Finely powdered, decorticated seeds should be used as a dusting powder in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Sore Throat

The bark of the plant has astringent properties and is useful as a gargle in case of sore throat.


The herb is useful in regulating the menstrual cycle. The flowers and flower buds can be used beneficially as pessaries to check excessive menstrual flow.


The seeds find their application in purulent ophthalmia --that is, inflammation of the eye or conjunctiva. They should be finely powdered and blown into the affected eyes. An ointment prepared from them and oil can be applied to the affected eye with confidence.