Brahmi Capsules - increases memory naturally, bacopa monnieri, reduce headache, brahmi benefits, brain tonic, memory booster, memory enhancer
Memory enhancer-Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment
Brahmi is a very effective memory boosting herb. It is a natural creeper found growing in marshy lands. Brahmi contains Bacoposides which improve neuron co-ordination, improves learning capability, enhance grasping power and boost retaining capacity.
It is therefore one of the best herbal remedies to increase memory naturally. Brahmi Capsules is 100 % vegetarian and herbal product to enhance memory.
The capsules contain 500 mg herbal extract of Barcopa monneiri. The extract gives instant results and increases memory naturally, without causing any side effects.
Many companies fill herb powder in hard gelatin capsules. We use best quality herbal extract of Bacopaa monneiri in vegetarian capsule shells. This makes our product very effective. It is true value for your precious money. Each Brahmi bottle contain 60 Vegi Caps.
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Brahmi is traditionally used in India as natural memory enhacing herb. Brahmi is useful in common forgetfulness due to stressful life style. So everyone can use it. Bramhi increases the coordination in between brain neurones thus helps in improving short term as well as long term memory. Brahmi increases concentration, stamina and helps in mental fatigue. Brahmi is a complete natural remedy for low memory.
Serving Size -1 Vegi Cap
Servings Per Container - 60
Each 500 mg Capsule Contains - Best Quality Herbal Extracts 10:1
Dosage - 2 capsules twice daily, with plain water after meals
Side Effects - No Side effects, Can be used with other herbal supplements, Vitamins or other herbal remedies or natural products.
Description of Brahmi plant:
This herb spreads on ground and its stems and small leaves are succulent. Roots arise on the modes of the stem also. Flowers arise in the axils of the leaves and are borne on short pedicles.
This herb is found in moist or wet places such as on borders of water channels, irrigated fields.
Part Used:
Whole Plant
alkaloids, mannitol, saponin, sterols, Brahmin, herpestine etc.
Medicinal properties:
- It is diuretic, cardiac, Nervine and general tonic.
- It is reported to improve intellect, memory, and particularly retention power.
- It is also used in treatment of many other ailments like vertigo, anxiety, stress, blood pressure.
- It is a very potent nervous tonic and is anti anxiety agent.
- It is also considered good fort heart.
Brahmi is very also effective in
- Enhancing the learning capacity
- Ideal for the students and elderly to bring the calmness and concentration
- used as Antifungal agent
- Memory Improvement
- Stammering
- For the lungs, heart and the blood vessels
- Also used in thyroid
- Also used in the drug toxicity
- As an adaptogen
- In gastric and duodenal ulcers
- In epilepsy
- In Alzheimer's disease
- As a free radical scavenger
- As an antioxidant
- As a preventive of DNA damage
- Bronchitis, chronic coughs, asthma, hoarseness
- Arthritis, rheumatism, backache, inflammatory conditions
- Fluid retention
- Blood purifier
- Constipation, Digestive problems
- Hair loss cure
- Fevers
- Epileptic fits, depression including post natal depression
- For improving the circulation and strengthen capillaries
- Impotence, premature ejaculation, frigidity
- Irregular menstruation, mental and physical fatigue and overwork