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Aloe vera (Aloe Barbadensis) - Health Benefits, Medicinal Properties, Uses, Dosage
Botanical Name: Aloe Barbadensis
Indian Name: Ghee Kanvar or Musabbar
Description and Composition
Indian aloe is an erect plant, 30 to 150 cm in height It has smooth, pale green, fleshy leaves, convex below, tapering to a blunt point, with horny prickles at the margins. It has yellow or orange coloured cylindrical flowers. The bitter juice of the fleshy leaves is used in medicine.
Kumari saar or Pure Aloe Vera Juice is a natural way to Detox your body
Kumari Saar (The Aloe-Vera Juice) consists of high portion of natural nutrients and vital substances. The nutritious ingredients of Aloe Vera can be divided into the following groups.
It is rich in most vitamins like Vitamin D, A (The antioxidant beta-carotene), C and E and even traces of B12, one of the very few plant sources of this vitamin.
Several of these biochemical catalysts aid digestion by breaking down fat and sugars when taken orally. Kumari Saar (The Aloe Vera juice) contains Lipases and proteases which break down foods and aid digestion. It also contains bradykinase, which helps to reduce excessive inflammation and pain when applied to the skin.
Kumari Saar contains more than 20 minerals, like Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc,Chromium, Selenium
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The active principle of aloe is a mixture of glycosides called aloin. The proportion of aloin varies in different specimens of aloes. The chief constituent of aloin is barbaloin which is a pale?yellow crystalline glycoside, soluble in water. The other constituents include isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin (a hydrolytic product of barbaloin), resins and some water soluble substance. The characteristic odour is due to traces of an essential oil.
Healing Power and Curative Properties
The leaves of the plant possess many medicinal properties. They are useful in restoring the disordered processes of nutrition. They promote libido and arrest secretion or bleeding. They also promote and regulate the menstrual periods.
Liver Disorders
The herb stimulates the liver and is useful in liver and spleen disorders. It can be used in jaundice and enlargement of liver, spleen and other glands. The pulp of one leaf should be administered with black salt and ginger every morning for 10 days in the treatment of such disorders.
The drug is valuable in colds and coughs. The juice of the roasted leaf should be taken with honey for treatment.
Indian aloe is useful in lumbago, sciatica and rheumatism The pulp of one leaf is taken daily for relief.
The herb is useful in stomach disorders. The leaves strengthen the functioning of stomach and promote its action. A salad of its leaves is beneficial in cases of indigestion, constipation and flatulence.
Intestinal Worms
The leaves have the property to kill intestinal worms in children. The condensed leaf juice, after boiling the leaves in water, is a popular and effective home remedy.
Skin Disorders
The use of the herb in treating inflamed and painful parts of the body is common in Indian medicine. The fresh juice from its leaves should be applied externally.